Articles and Webinars

Whether you are a carer, a specialist, or completely new to continence care, Wellspect Education provides learning resources for your level of expertise

41 Articles

  1. TAI & Pediatric Spina Bifida

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Take part of clinical data on transanal irrigation as a mean to manage neurogenic bowel in the pediatric population with Spina Bifida

  2. The Role of Urinary Microbiota

    key:global.content-type: Publication Highlight

    The traditional view of urine sterility has been challenged by the discovery of the urinary microbiome, meaning a mix of bacteria and microorganisms within the urinary tract. This unique relationship between microbes and humans is still not fully understood but has gained a lot of attention in clinical research in the last decade.

  3. Risk Factors for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Children

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Recurrent UTIs in children with neurogenic bladders constitute high risk of leading to severe kidney damage and need to be an area of attention. This study is useful in determining treatments and proactive measures for preventing recurrent UTIs.

Showing 12 of 41 Articles