Articles and Webinars

Whether you are a carer, a specialist, or completely new to continence care, Wellspect Education provides learning resources for your level of expertise

51 Articles

  1. TAI & Pediatric Spina Bifida

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Take part of clinical data on transanal irrigation as a mean to manage neurogenic bowel in the pediatric population with Spina Bifida

  2. Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) – What Is It, Causes and Symptoms

    key:global.content-type: Video

    Bev Collins, Clinical nurse lead, Wellspect, explains what Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) is, talks through some of the main causes or triggers of this syndrome and what the symptoms of AD are.

  3. Common Challenges with SCI Bladder and Bowel Care

    key:global.content-type: Video

    Debbie Green, spinal cord injury specialist lead, SIA, addresses some of the issues facing someone with a spinal injury with their bladder and bowel care.

  4. What is Cauda Equina Syndrome?

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Learn more about what cauda equina syndrome is, its effects on bladder and bowel, and how to manage bladder and bowel symptoms in cauda equina.

  5. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) refers to a broad constellation of symptoms and anatomical changes related to abnormal function of the structures within the pelvic floor complex, which includes the supportive fibrous tissue called fascia, the blood and nerve supply and in particular the pelvic floor musculature.

  6. IC and TAI Can Help Patients with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Pelvic floor dysfunction is common, but not commonly talked about. In this article, you will find an explanation about basic pelvic floor anatomy, description of symptoms and how these can be managed, which can be downloaded and handed out to your patients.

  7. Transanal Irrigation Webinar – Patient Assessment

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Jessica Aparo, Pelvic Floor Specialist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, talks about the assessment of patients being considered for Transanal Irrigation.

Showing 12 of 51 Articles