Watch our webinar below to learn how you can help patients overcome common IC issues.
We will cover topics such as:
- The importance of addressing IC concerns when looking to improve patient outcomes
- Avoiding pain when using intermittent catheters
- Techniques to reduce difficulty when performing IC
- Ways to avoid UTIs and bleeding
- Tips for women, children, the elderly, and people with spinal cord injuries
To earn continuing education credit, please watch the video below to completion and then email maneeza.hasan@wellspect.com to receive a survey link and your certificate.
Attendees will be awarded 1.0 continuing education contact hours upon successful completion of this course. Wellspect HealthCare is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP17645, for 1.0 contact hours. The entire presentation must be attended for credit. No partial credit will be awarded. There is no cost for this course.